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Large Inscribed Antique Remuna Singing Bowl with excellent longevity #6631

1. Best L 4 Large Low Mallet single tap.
2. Rim Play: N103 Large Ringing Stick leather then wood followed by FP Tulipwood Wand

Large Remuna a bit on the heavy side with faint artwork and original patina. The bowl has the faint vestiges of an old inscription

Solid bass that is overshadowed in the long run by an active overtone and clear next high. Excellent longevity, outstanding really that is all overtones after a while.

Fine stick play. However you spin with leather it is the bass. The more active overtones sing strongly with wood and wand respectively Great overtone rim longevity, Can be spun to high volume.. With overtones at C#5, C6, G#6, C#7.

Bowl Type: Remuna
Thickness: Average
Widest Diameter: 7 in
Height: 3 1/8  in
Bowl Size: Large
Weight: 1.3 lbs = 612 grams
Rim Type: Plain
Artwork and etching state of preservation:
Exterior: Faint
Interior: Faint
Features: Inscription
Musical Note: G#3 Low Octave
Approximate Frequency: 205 Hz
Bowl Number: 6631


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In stock

1. Best L 4 Large Low Mallet single tap.
2. Rim Play: N103 Large Ringing Stick leather then wood followed by FP Tulipwood Wand
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Singing Bowl Certificates Contain: photos, age and origin estimates, physical characteristics, sonic information, playing instructions. Includes bowl number and year of sale . $15 each
Huge selection of antique singing bowls with detailed information and two sound clips.
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