Interested in acquiring a group of antique Tibetan singing bowls that sound great together? Best Singing Bowls has assembled many harmonious sets for individuals as well as businesses such as spas, yoga studios, and healing centers. Assembling a sound bowl set is a collaborative process. We can start by clarifying your interest initially by filling out the request questionnaire. The questionnaire is designed to help you think about the factors involved in assembling a set. We’ll likely have some back and forth after that by email and maybe by phone. Once the picture is clear we’ll send you some bowl choices with prices, we can also send sound clips.
If you’d like to include healing bowls in your set that are on the web, great – let us know the numbers. If you’ve listened to bowls whose sounds you like we can try to match them. We can even integrate bowls you already own. If you have bowls you’ve bought off the website in the past, great. We have the sound clips to work with.
In addition to the bowls you can see on the web, we have an extensive selection of antiques collected over many years that we have not photographed and recorded. Carrying an inventory of thousands of bowls gives us tremendous flexibility in assembling meditation bowl sets, both in terms of finding the right sounds and working within your budget. If you have a couple of bowls
There is a huge range of prices for healing bowl sets. Size, sound quality, and rarity are important factors. A simple set of three small good sounding singing bowls can be had for about $250, a set of large bowls with premium sounds can run many thousands of dollars.
We have many customers who start with a few bowls and come back later to grow their sound bowl sets – sometimes years later! This is one place where the power of our structured labeling system and extensive database becomes very useful. We maintain a record of each bowl sold so we can go back later and match tones as you grow your set. We keep on file the photos and sound recordings of bowls that were posted on the website which can further aid in the selection process. We can also assemble a set and send it to you over the course of some months if you need that kind of service. Integrate bowls with what you already have.
A unique service we offer is expert help adding bowls to the meditation bowl set you already have. In order to do this we have you send us recordings. We analyze them for timber and measure frequencies, notes, and octaves. We then assemble a proxy set of the same styles and frequencies. This is something that takes an inventory of thousands of bowls to do properly.
Once we have a physical replication of what you already have we can then add bowls. This is a process of listening and exploration. Sometimes we find ourselves smoothing out sonic inconsistencies. Other times we expand the range low and high. Sometimes we add grounding, others crescendo. Your input is important in shaping what we are listening for. We will then make a recording and present you with individually priced choices tailored to your budget.
We take a deposit for this service which is fully applied to the cost of bowls purchased – so it becomes a free service if you buy, otherwise a payment for time and expertise. Fill in the questionnaire below to get started.